Saturday, July 16, 2011

Hakuna Matata

Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase.
Hakuna Matata! Ain't no passing craze.
It means no worries for the rest of your days.
It's our problem-free philosophy...
Hakuna Matata!

Ok, you can stop singing now. Don't you love Lion King? If you don't, then we need to talk. Hakuna Matata is such a catchy song to sing. I find that when I'm cleaning or if I'm feeling stressed I start singing.

My favourite line from this song is when it explains what Hakuna Matata is (now don't deny it, you didn't know what it meant when you first heard it). "It means no worries for the rest of your days". NO WORRIES!! If you've been around me for a while, you'll notice that I will say No Worries a lot of the time (it's an Australian thing, you can ask us). Instead of saying, "You're Welcome" or "It's All Good", I say No worries. Why worry? Everything is going to be all right.

I looked up the word worry and one of the definitions I found was "fearful". Now it didn't hit me when I read this definition because the first thing I thought was, how does fear relate to worry? And then a thought came to me, that derr, it's got everything to do with fear.

We tend to worry about little things that don't really matter like, what clothes am I going to wear tomorrow, what's for lunch today, what am I going to do if no one wants to talk to me today, or where should I stick my pictures on my blog (ok, these are what I worry about, but hey, I'm being real). But these "little" things tend to build up and then turn into this big huge pile called the "don't-want-to-go-there, but-I-will-anyway-just-to-worry-myself" pile and it suddenly overtakes you to the point that you're stuck and don't know what to do and then you're just frustrated and angry. Thank goodness for patient people that are in my life who tell me take it easy and breathe...I've learnt that all things happen for a reason, sometimes in ways that I wouldn't have wanted it to happen, but hey, that's life for you.

Someone once asked me, "Why are you always happy?" and I replied "Me? Happy? Um, are you sure you're asking the right person?" I continued..."I guess I make a choice...whether to wake up and worry about things that doesn't need worrying, or just go with the flow and "Come what may, and love it".

Sometimes it's hard to not worry about the more serious things in life but as long as you put your trust in Heavenly Father and rely on Him, things will be ok. Life is hard, there are good days and then there are not-so-good days. Lucky, I like to laugh, it gets me through the day. I found the following paragraph pretty interesting. It explains a lot of things.

"Someone (with a lot of time on their hand) has mathematically calculated that 40 percent of our worries will never materialize; 30 percent deal with old decisions that cannot be changed; 12 percent focus on criticism that is mostly untrue; 10 percent deal with our health, which only worsens when we worry; and only 8 percent are legitimate. The point we would make is that life does have real problems that may be met head-on when we eliminate useless and senseless worry."
- J. Spencer Kinard “The Spoken Word”

So make your worry count! If you're feeling like your "don't-want-to-go-there, but-I-will-anyway-just-to-worry-myself" pile is getting bigger and bigger - sing Hakuna Matata, it's a wonderful phrase!

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