Saturday, July 9, 2011

He Hears

One night on a dark and dreary road, there...

Just kidding, I got nothing. I was trying to think real hard of how I could start this blog so I can get your attention but I didn't really have anything good, so... that's my introduction.

Last week, one evening, I was trying to get to sleep and I was getting a little mad because my companion (Sister Dalton) was already dead asleep and I was just laying there looking at the ceiling. We had to get up early in the morning so I wanted my sleep that I needed so badly. Then for some reason, I got really scared - the dark was freaking me out. I was closing my eyes real tight, hoping that I'll fall asleep (yep, that didn't work), I put my blanket over my face and I couldn't breathe and then I said a little prayer in my heart (it sorta helped, but the dark is just freaky!). I even thought about waking Sister Dalton up, but I didn't want her to know that I was scared. Now, I know that I'm all grown and I shouldn't be scared of the dark, but hey, there are times in our lives when we just have to recognize that we have fears and face them. So, this goes on for a little bit (closing eyes, blanket over head, etc) when a thought came to mind to sing one of my all time favourite childrens song...

 Heavenly Father, are you really there?
And do you hear and answer ev'ry childs' prayer?
Some say that Heaven is far away,
But I feel it close around me as I pray.
Heavenly Father I remember now
Something that Jesus told disciples long ago,
"Suffer the children to come to me."
Father, in prayer I'm coming now to thee.

Pray, he is there
Speak, he is list'ning.
You are his child;
His love now surrounds you.
He hears your prayer;
He loves the children,
Of such is the kingdom,
The kingdom of heav'n.
- Childrens Songbook #12

It was a definite answer to my prayers. As soon as I finished singing this song, I immediately felt peace and comfort. Shortly after this, I fell asleep - I was so grateful (you have no idea). It took me around 30 minutes and all I had to do was sing this song. Crazy!

I love the words to this song because it shows the relationship that I have with my Heavenly Father. He is my literal Father in Heaven. I am His daughter. He loves me and He wants me to be happy and to feel safe (yes, even when I'm scaring myself). I know that I can communicate with Him through prayer and I know that He will always listen. I'm grateful for my prayers because I know that Heavenly Father will answer my prayers, even when it's a silent prayer in my heart. Just as I can go to my dad here on Earth and talk to him about anything, I can always go to Father in Heaven in prayer and tell Him everything, knowing that I will receive an answer.

A Book of Mormon prophet named Alma was teaching his son Helaman about learning wisdom while he was in his youth. He then spoke to him about prayer, saying "...cry unto God for all thy support;...let all thy doings...thoughts be directed unto the Lord...and he will direct thee for good..." - Alma 37:36-37. This scripture passage continues to talk about how we should pray when we go to bed and when we arise in the morning. Prayers don't have to be long and extravagant but they should be sincere. They can be said any time during the day, it's between you and Heavenly Father. He will always love us no matter what.

I know He hears, He definitely hears.

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